My mother possessed a deep inner grace, beauty and strength. I thank God for mothers everywhere and especially for my own. I miss her dearly and pray that I might inherit her gentle spirit and pass it on to my own children.
At an early age, Mom told me, "God is love." Not only did she speak this, but she lived it daily. She also taught this to 2nd graders in her classes at the church we attended. I loved to join my mom at every church event even into my teen years. I helped her make little surprises for the students every holiday (mom's hands weren't very cooperative due to health problems, but her heart was more than willing). I gladly agreed when mom volunteered me to model in fund raiser fashion shows or attend a crafting bee for the up-coming white elephant bazaar. These are memories I'll always cherish and hold dear to my heart!

Me and Mom, Backstage Fashionshow Fundraiser
& Me with Silvana (just crowned Valentine queen) 25 years later
In the kitchen, mom patiently shared her tricks and favorite recipes. Before I knew it was supposed to be "work", She "let" me fix dinner. By my teen years, I just "wanted to". Thanks Mom, for teaching me the joy of giving! My sisters and I learned to hem garments and sew on buttons. These were difficult tasks for her because of her health issues. When we were young, she would have us thread the needles and watch and learn as she gave us hints. When we were old enough, she just handed us the job to be done!
I doubt my mother knew her words of direction and wisdom would live on long after they were spoken and I wish I could tell her today just how much I still rely on them and how much I love her and miss her.
In my life, first, as as a mother; also in my work life, as a personal trainer, PE teacher and writer my wonderful mother's influence lives on as I speak the works, "My mom always said..."
My mother was a very kind, thoughtful, caring, wise, God fearing woman. She had a massive stroke when I was only 24 years old and was bed-ridden for 16 years, unable to talk or feed herself until she passed away. Only the oldest of my 8 kids remembers Grandma before her stroke. There were many times I longed for my children to know my mother the way I had. Despite her inability to influence her grandchildren first hand, I realize now the tremendous affect she did have on their lives by all of her painstaking efforts in molding mine.
The lessons my mother taught have stayed with me and are the foundation for every success in my life. Her gentle patient leading and guiding followed by her infrequent and thus keenly felt admonitions have created in me a desire to be my best and give my utmost. My mother struggled all her life with health issues that originated at birth. Near the end of her life, my grandmother confided in me her desire for "The good Lord to take her home before her daughter."
Ellen Louise McGarvey was the only child of my grandparents that survived infancy. My grandfather, mom's father, passed away when she was only 20 so as my grandmother explained, "Your mother; she's all I've got left dear but I thank the Good Lord for every day that I have her. You see, she's been on borrowed time all her life. When she was born, they told us she wouldn't live to adulthood, but she did and raised you and your sisters and brother. I call your mother on the phone every day. She can't talk to me but I know she can hear me and that's enough."
Not long after that, My Grandmother passed away and soon after, my mom followed her to rest at last. I felt a keen loss but also a peaceful gratefulness that her many years of bravely accepting sickness and pain had ended. In my mother's and grandmother's words of wisdom and examples of courage, gratefulness and strength, I found guidance and confidence to fight the battles of life and lead my own children. Likewise in my daily walk, I feel my mother's influence directing me in my job as it passes on, influencing my clients and students. Like my mother who frequently said, "My mom always said......" I too refer back to "Mom always said...." and find the truths Mom and Grandma and most likely great grandmas, generations back pass on are ageless, timeless lanterns that lead us through the difficulties, the gray areas, the storms and the even the celebrations.
The last time I received a "Mom said..." is near and dear to my heart. It came through my sister, Lynn. I often go to my big sisters for advice, especially since mom passed away. I had confided to Lynn that I was nervous about a new Fitness Director position I had accepted. She told me that years before, upon opening her own beauty salon, Whispers On Wentworth, she had expressed her fears of this new undertaking to mom whose calm brave advice was, "It's your job, just do it!" Throughout the years, since my sister gave me this last, "Mom told me...." I have returned to that nugget of wisdom time and again during moments of apprehension, when facing new challenges.
My mother knew her job and "just did it" despite her life long health obstacles. Likewise, I aspire to take up whatever challenges life puts in my path bravely, in the confidence I've received through my mother's wisdom and encouragement. Everywhere, the words of mothers resound in hearts exerting an ongoing influence that literally shapes lives, societies and our future world. My mother's words will live on not only in my heart but will encourage, motivate and direct the lives of others as I continue doing my life's work, and referring back to "My mom always said...."
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