I desire change and change usually follows a set of steps that typically go something like this:
1. A desire to achieve something
I desire to improve my current fitness level.
2. A realization that it can be achieved is arrived at, accompanied by thoughtful questioning of "how to" complete the task.
I am always more committed to a task if I can see some greater good to others so I will record my experience. The feeling of being productive combined with the accountability factor will increase my motivation to be consistent.
3. A commitment to move forward takes place and is possibly confirmed by some outward action.
I posted an entry to mark the beginning of my commitment.
4. The goal to be achieved is more distinctly defined.
I have reflected on my goals for several days. I tend to be over-zealous when training so it is important that I set my "bar" of achievement realistically. Since my goal is two-fold in nature (training and writing) I have to intertwine the goals realistically. Here goes:
Training - Increase Muscle and reduce bodyfat primarily by conversion (not weight loss) Final bodyfat goal - 16-17%. Current bodyfat is 21% (I may lose a few pounds but the primary goal would be to increase lean mass; ie: muscle) I expect to allow approximately 6 months to reach my goal. Although I could lose the bodyfat in much less time through more extreme dieting and cardio workouts, and then try to gain the muscle mass afterward, I know that a woman my age cannot gain muscle as quickly as others and the higher bodyfat will actually make gaining muscle and maintaining strength easier. There is also a greater risk of losing muscle if I drop bodyfat too quickly and I LOVE MUSCLE! I'll explain why later. It deserves its own entry!
Writing - Motivate others by making frequent entries that cover many aspects of training.
5. A plan conducive to completion is created.
Take my bodyfat and weight and create a goal (see number 4 above)
Begin daily training and eating optimal diet.
Set ideal times for training and writing to avoid having either goal "slip through the cracks".
Start recording my workout and diet to post.
Actively publish my blog to others in diverse ways.
At least once a week, delve deeper into some aspect of training.
Make monthly assessments of weight and bodyfat and explain their relevance.
Make weekly adjustments to my plan as needed.
6. Possible obstacles are identified and premeditated so that they may be more easily overcome.
I know my schedule changes frequently and that my workouts and writing times will have to be adjusted, rather than skipped altogether.
The first step in my training, defining a realistic developmental goal, has been accomplished. I took a caliper bodyfat test today and did the math to decide what my goal is. I'll start my workout regimine tomorrow. Eating appropriately for my goal is second nature for me but I will spend time in future blogs outlining it for others. My actual training plan is to devote a portion of time daily to resistance training of at least one bodypart (5 days a week). I'll detail my plan in future entries.
Cardio will probably only be 2-3 times weekly because I don't have any real weight loss goal. My purpose in cardio is to develop/maintain cardio-respiratory fitness. I have asthma which has a less negative effect on my quality of life as long as I keep up my cardio. To achieve this, I'll utilize a combination of jogging and practicing new choreographs for Zumba. I am planning to run a 5K in a few weeks so jogging should be at the forefront presently.
Worthwhile pursuits are much easier with a plan. I have a base structure in place. I still need to lock down best time of the day to train and write. I'm leaning toward morning for both because mornings have the least conflict for me currently but as a trainer, my schedule is constantly rewriting itself. Trainers train at the times that work for clients. This requires flexibility. Like most people, I find it much easier to stay on track if I have a specific time of day devoted to developing my fitness goals. The constantly changing schedules I keep are probably my biggest obstacle to success at consistent training. The plan will have to be reevaluated and adjusted depending on how it works in practical application as these changes in my circumstances occur. Some expected changes are:
Presidential Fitness testing time requires extra work
Two new training groups probably starting in the next few weeks
School lets out soon (additional kid duties)
Teenager has to dropped off and picked up from driver's ed class
Online training should be up and running within the next month
New Zumba classes will probably be starting
Now that I have defined a realistic goal, created a workable plan and have determined possible obstacles, I'm ready to begin. I'm eargerly anticipating having alot of fun and a great outcome!
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