My 21 Day challenge and this blog began on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2010. It's been 4 1/2 weeks, 32 days. Although I expected to start a good habit, I had no idea the magnitude of positive impact it would have on me. Every area of my life seems to have started an overhaul of spring cleaning! My work, my relationships, my home, my health, my emotions and my spirituality have been super charged with confidence and energy.
I didn't realize this at first. Truth be told, I was a little worried because my original "habit" started to change and transform but the transformation was for the better! As I added the strength training, it was with an attitude of "slow and easy". Surprisingly, I've done much better than I expected and have not only kept jogging while adding the strength training, but have raised the bar a bit.
The fire was lit. Many things were changing for the good but the most important change and the one that empowered all the others was a sense of confidence and determination to "Better My Life" by taking care of me! When we commit to making our needs a priority, we find other areas of our life begin to transform for the better. It requires a little bit of "selfishness" or so it seems, but ultimately what we do for ourselves, if reasonable, starts a fire that warms others. We begin to see the potential of a future harvest for the seeds of personal growth we have sown.
For me it started a few days before the 21 Days Jog/Blog started. I sat up in bed one day and said, "I want to feel alive again!" "I've been struggling with too many things for too long." So I thought back to a time when I felt better and I seriously considered what elements had changed in my life. I realized that I had not been making my choices with strength and power as I had in the past. My fire had gone out and my confidence was under attack continually. In my pathetic state, the "strong me" inside was trying to get out and the "scared me" was getting in the way! I HAD to do something. I wasn't going to give up until I felt "Alive" again! So, calling on my spirituality, I stepped out in faith and with much prayer and determination, set out to uncover and "spring clean" areas in my life that were out of sync.
My health and fitness were formerly at the top of the priority list and that's where they have been returned to! The biggest factor in all this is my faith that if I am doing what I should be, everything will work out right. "Right" isn't necessarily what we expect, but if we change our perspective to one of "watch and wonder" what will happen next then God's grace will be sufficient!
A few days after this decision to "get back my old fire", I visited my daughter who suggested that I start writing a fitness blog. As she pointed out, "Mom, you can only help a small number of people, as a personal trainer, but think about how many people you can reach online with your knowledge and experience!" And so began this venture.
Listen to the "still small voice" within you. It takes some effort! It may require delving into areas you would prefer to avoid. It may require saying "no" to some things and saying "yes" to some others. It will not necessarily be all good and fun. Will power must be enlisted for positive change to take place. Put up the fight against discouragement. Take a stand to be a better you! Stand in the confidence that your determination will pay off not only for you personally but for everyone in your path!
Nothing worth having comes without an effort!
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