Still stressed out about missing yesterday and keenly aware of the risk of derailing now, I was determined not to miss today! I had a very short window of time to quickly drive home and jog. I knew putting it off would be risky. It might rain and would probably be dark when I got home later....make the decision fast - do it!!!! OK, so home I fly, change, jog, change again and fly to the appointment.
Now I'm home and I am SOOOO glad I jogged! When in doubt, exercise! It's almost always the best decision. Start to guard your fitness commitments jealously. You deserve to. If you don't invest in your future well being now, not only you will pay the price but those you love will also.

I'm Celebrating a success that came very close to being a failure.
I Learned today that I'm getting too comfortable. I need to plan ahead daily or I may miss a day and I will be sorry if I do!
My confidence is growing and I am even more determined to Keep Going Forward!
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