Will Power is like a muscle, in that, exerting it reduces capacity for use temporarily. On psychologytoday.com, Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D. Associate professor of psychology at Carleton University, reports that multiple tests show participants ability to utilize willpower diminishes after a trying task.
Is it possible that the brain, like a muscle requires a period of recovery? What does this mean in practical application? How does this affect our ability to improve our diet or stick to an exercise regimen?
Establishing a habit requires will power. Much like physical energy output, the degree of the effort one can muster may be limited, especially if other areas in life are requiring self regulatory effort simultaneously. When making healthful living changes, the best choice is to keep them simple and realistic.
Small changes require less will power allowing us to see them through until they become mindless habits. Once established, willpower is no longer required and we can focus on the task of developing a new healthful change. More difficult tasks, like adhering to a new exercise regimen can be accomplished by utilizing all available resources. Limit your necessary output of self regulation by joining a group or hiring a trainer. Until the habit is firmly established, reduce outside stressors that may zap your will power supply.
Dr Pychyl also reports that will power like a muscle, may actually strengthen with use!
"Studies provided evidence that physical exercise programs led to decreased smoking, alcohol, caffeine and junk food consumption, and even reduced impulsive spending, watching television and the tendency to leave dishes dirty in the sink!" http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dont-delay/200902/self-regulation-failure-part-2-willpower-is-muscle
Gradually striving toward better activities and more healthful diet choices, you can confidently look forward to a more fit future, a stronger will power and a healthier, happier tomorrow!
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