It's Friday, the 13th day of my jogging, but no bad luck today. Fridays I teach PE and usually shop for the weekend on the way home. I don't typically have clients or classes. This Friday, my wonderful husband got off early so we met for lunch and then made a grocery trip before heading home.
By the time I got home, Jasper was patiently waiting for his walk and after getting groceries in and put away I quickly dressed for our winter jog. I was determined not to let a day get skipped so I had to hurry. It would be dark soon. I finished with time to spare and took my excited little poodle down the street and back too. Almost ready for the weekend. :-)
Some days exercise feels really good. It's important to savor those days. Enjoy them and log them in the happy memory bank for future retrieval. When exercise is more difficult, remember the "good days" and just get through the tough ones. There will be more good ones soon and at least you will have accomplished something despite the discomfort!
Don't give up. Keep Going Forward!
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