Today I arrived home at nearly 2pm, with plans to leave for work again at 3:30. Jasper and I were both determined to jog and I decided, pressed for time or not, we're going! I changed quickly and just before I got out the door, my 4pm client cancelled. Today, things worked out and I was afforded the luxury of a much needed midday break after all.

Although very cold out, the sun was shining and in it's own crisp way the day was extremely beautiful. So taking advantage of the extra time and invigorated by the excitement I'm feeling at getting back into my jogging habit, we extending our jog (partly walking) to 3 miles. Afterward, I grabbed a nutritious lunch and if I hurry with this post, there is still time for a little siesta before my evening training groups.
Celebrate Success
- I'm ecstatic!
Learn From Mistakes
- I learned yesterday to bring an extra puppy bag lol
- Today, I found out that usually, if you follow your gut
and stick with your commitment, it all works out.
Keep Going Forward
- I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!
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