Almost didn't make it!!! I was tempted. Had to cancel morning classes for icy roads and just as I'm planning my alternate plan for the day, my best friend calls. I couldn't help myself. I volunteered the kids and I to come help her pack a household while entertaining her two small kids. I have to work tonight so it was now or never and it's COLD outside! This afternoon would be warmer, but probably wouldn't happen...Jasper WAS incessantly barking...ugh...ok, I'll bundle up and go. Btw, that was me arguing with myself.
When change is just ahead but stubborness stands in the way, focus on your goal. Willpower WILL get you over the hump. Use it!
So double layers of clothes and off we go! I'm starting to think of Jasper as my trainer lol. He's establishing a path for us to take and we're compromising on the pace. He's already learning to stop for cars.
Day 2 happened and I'm pumped-Celebrate Success, even the small stuff!
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