A story about Habits
Many years ago, I attended an evangelistic seminar. The speaker told an interesting story. He had worked in Canada for a logging company. The massive trees were cut and strapped to strong stately Clydesdale horses who hauled them out of the woods. He pointed out that these amazing animals, capable of pulling entire trees were easily driven by a small piece of wood in their mouth-a bit. A small tug brought discomfort to the animals and that discomfort could be relieved by heading in the appropriate direction to release the pressure. These huge creatures can weigh upwards of 2000 lbs and could easily break free to go in whatever direction they desired. However, having been trained thus, they were seemingly unaware of their strength and ability. Consequently, they were content to follow the bit wherever it led them.
In life, we too are led by “bits”. We call them habits. We follow them because of the mild discomfort we feel when we resist changing direction. All it takes to unleash the hold they have on us is to realize our power to turn the other way and be confident that with some resistance we will break the “bits” and possible to create bits of our own liking. These new and better habits will shape our future. Let’s face it. Being creatures of habit, we will develop and be lead and driven by “bits”, however we do have the inherent ability to choose what they will be and where they will take us!
The purpose of this fine Pastor’s story was not only to instill a desire to overcome bad habits. More importantly, he added that despite our sincere commitments in life to any type of change, we will most likely be lead astray from time to time by the age old “bits” that we have unknowingly developed. Understanding how powerful and deeply ingrained habits are, should not lessen our original commitments but it should help us to view our propensity toward them as natural and when we are lead astray from our goals by them, realize this is a learning experience, rather than failure. Use the information wisely and start over again. Our focus should never be on the old habit we fell back into but on the new, better habit we are seeking to develop. The more times we try, the deeper the pathway in our brain is established that leads us toward our goal. Once this pathway is fully developed, it becomes easy to maintain the behavior. The old behavior may rear its head and we may resist or we may fall into it. Be assured that should you fall after you have succeeded in creating a new pathway, you can jump back on track fairly easily. Remember, once “it’s your habit”, it will only require a small initial effort to do it a few times and it’s all downhill again!
Remember, failing in deed does not mean we fail in desire. When we truly believe something is right and truly commit to following a path that leads upwards, we will fall and we will err. This is part of the process, for despite our sincere “decision” we are still only human and still held unknowingly by these annoying but powerful little “bits”. Good wholesome ventures are lost from discouragement due to “bits” taking us off path when our “derailing” would have been much more productive if used to teach us something about ourselves. Have you developed good habits in the past and that you have moved away from? do you feel like a failure? Be human. Get back on track and learn from your mistakes!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence (aka Areté) then, is not an act, but a habit."
~ Aristotle, 4th century bce Greek philosopher
Today is my 5th day. Despite yet another setback, Jasper and I overcame! Can you believe it? Another obstacle!!! I tweaked my foot running down the steps and every time I tried to jog, the pain shot through my foot. I tried stretching to no avail. Swift walking was OK...so walk fast I did! Day 5 happened and my foot has been fine all day! This wa a test for me. I'm determined to see this through now not only for my benefit but for others who may be encouraged some day by reading it.
I'm Celebrating that I didn't skip because my foot was hurting.
I learned that if there is anyway possible to follow through, do it! I would have been very dissapointed had I made a different choice.
Needless to say, I will Keep Going Forward!
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