You've probably heard that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. Good news - It's actually backed scientifically! I'll be telling you more details about this subject and how significant it can be to your life in future posts, but for now, I'm here to practice what I preach and pick "One Small Change" and stick to it till it's a habit!
Establish A New Healthful Habit
1. Pick one small change-something with significance that requires effort but is both practical and feasable utilizing my current circumstances in life.
(I better make the most of where I am, for I'm not of much use where I am not!)
2. Figure out how to fit it into your life and premeditate EVERYTHING that might get in the way, creating solutions ahead so you won't be detered when obstacles arise.
(If you've failed to plan, you've planned to fail!)
3. Commit to 21 days (NO EXCUSES!) Commit to put forth the effort for at least the 3 weeks with the rewards in mind of not only improvement but also the establishment of a new habit!
(Always look at the horizon. Keep your eyes on your goal!)
So I have this big adorable, stinky chow! He's soooo sweet and well behaved. Unfortunately, while I'm at work, he spends alot of time fenced in my back yard. Feeling terribly guilty for leaving my sweet pet outside so much, I yearned for a solution. Nature solved the problem for me. My back yard flooded and stayed that way for over a month. I chained Jasper, my regal friend to the front porch while I was at work and brought him in at night. It temporarily solved the problem however, dogs need exercise too! So I began asking my son to walk him daily.
Remember that my change plan requires a participant to utilize their circumstances. Embarrasingly, I have to admit, that struggling to work and be a wife and mom while battling fybromyalgia, even I, the Master Trainer, put exercise on the back burner!
It only takes one step to change your direction and I'm commiting to that step now.Jasper and I have taken up jogging together and we're having a blast! I'm actually returning to the sport and he's just learning to do it on a leash. Before I can get out of the van, my hairy new jogging partner is jumping for joy and barking loudly at me (something my well behaved Chow rarely does). The demanding continues until my running shoes are on and I appear with the leash. The few jogs we've taken over the last two weeks have brought us both alot of joy which led to:
"My 21 Day Commitment"Jog with my dog and post my results while sharing helpful information and inspiration to others. I want to improve my life, my fitness level and be a blessing to others but I often feel utterly helpless and frustrated with the odds that are stacked against me. It seems like life continually gets in the way and discouragement is always trying to foil my plans. I know I am NOT alone! My clients each have their unique obstacles to overcome.
Stick with me and see if you can create your own "21 Day Commitment" to improve your life!
So today, day 1, we jogged in snow flurries, but having predicted that might happen, I rushed home quickly and bundled up! It was great and I'm soooo happy I did it!
Notice important characteristics of my commitment:1. A time frame to completion - 21 days. I can see the horizon of my efforts.
2. Practicality - we both need the exercise!
3. Feasability, utilizing my circumstances - not much time, too many responsibilities, a need to feel like a better pet owner, a need to squeeze in some exercise for me, a midday break most days, a dog that loves to jog :-)
4. Something to be gained that is
significant to me and will give me a strong sense of accomplishment, building my confidence and improving my health!
In my business, Feel Better Fit, I have a motto:
Celebrate Success. Learn from Mistakes. Keep Going Forward!As I apply my motto to my
Small Change,
Celebrate I feel accomplished having made a sincerely productive, practical, feasable commitment and set it in motion. I found myself more aware of what I was eating and began thinking ahead to obstacles that I might have to overcome. Both of these initial effects of a positive change are invigorating and encouraging! I'm celebrating right now in this blog!
Learn I learned that weather might get in the way and plans are formulating already to overcome the possible obstacle. I have made commitments before and I look at how they changed and improved my life. I think of the set backs and stumbling blocks I encountered in fulfilling them and I am decidedly headstrong to
Keep Going Forward!Kathryn Mccall Lafferty, Master Trainer